The academician Albert Estrada directs the 16th Spanish National Congress of Numismatics, held in Barcelona
Albert Estrada, corresponding academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), chief curator of the Numismatic Cabinet of Catalonia and member of the board of directors of the Ibero-American Society of Numismatic Studies (SIAEN), has directed the 16th Spanish National Congress of Numismatics, organized by the National Museum of Art of Catalonia between the past 28 and 30 November under the title “Tesoros y hallazgos monetarios: protección, estudio y musealización” (Treasures and monetary findings: protection, study and musealization). It’s the first time that Barcelona hosts this meeting, promoted by SIAEN since its first edition.
The event was attended by 120 congressmen from all over Spain who for three days had the opportunity to discuss a topic that in recent times has generated such spectacular news as the discovery of the Roman coin treasure of Tomares, in Seville, or the wreck of the Spanish galleon “San José” on the coast of Colombia. The publication of the paper will be carried out by both the Spanish National Currency and Stamp Factory and the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, which houses the Numismatic Cabinet of Catalonia, one of the most outstanding in Europe.

Dr. Albert Estrada Rius
The inaugural lecture was given by Pere Pau Ripollès, from the University of Valencia, with the work “Estudio y divulgación de tesoros y hallazgos monetarios peninsulares. Realidades y retos desde una comparativa internacional” (Study and dissemination of peninsular treasures and monetary findings. Realities and challenges from an international comparison). Afterwards, Francisca Chaves, from the University of Seville, intervened with “Seis siglos de ocultaciones: del Tesoro de Cerro Colorado (Benahavís, Málaga) al de El Zaudin (Tomares, Seville)” (Six centuries of occultation: from the Treasure of Cerro Colorado (Benahavis, Malaga) to that of El Zaudin (Tomares, Seville)); Félix Retamero, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Spanish Numismatic Association, with “Hallazgos monetarios y poderes políticos. Algunos casos de época medieval” (Monetary findings and political powers, some cases from medieval times), and Carmen Marcos and Paloma Otero, from the Spanish National Archaeological Museum, with “A propósito de la carga de la Mercedes. Tesoros y Modernidad” (About the burden of the Mercedes. Treasures and Modernity). Estrada himself closed the congress with the presentation “El hallazgo de tesoro en perspectiva histórica” (The discovery of treasure in historical perspective).