Teresa Freixes moderates a massive debate on the validity of the Spanish Constitution with Alfonso Guerra, Arias-Salgado and Eugenio Gay

Teresa Freixes, professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, full ​​academician and secretary of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), moderated last December 11 along with Josep Maria Castellà, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Barcelona, ​​the debate “La Constitución, 40 años de democracia” (The Constitution, 40 years of democracy), which on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Magna Carta celebrated the Bar Association of Barcelona and the Club Tocqueville.

The session was attended by Alfonso Guerra, former vice-president of the Spanish Government; Rafael Arias-Salgado, former minister of Territorial Administration, of the Presidency and Development, and Eugenio Gay, former vice-president of the Spanish Constitutional Court. The attendance was multitudinous.

The act was opened by the dean of the Barcelona lawyers, Eugènia Gay, to later give the floor to Guerra and Arias-Salgado, who in their long political career add the honour of having been members of the constituent assembly that ratified the Magna Carta. Both highlighted the value of the Constitution as a text of integration and consensus and analysed the ups and downs surrounding its development. Gay, former dean of the lawyers, also highlighted the validity of the postulates of the Rule of Law, democracy and Human Rights included in the Spanish Constitution.

Among the numerous attendees were the new president of the Popular Party of Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández; the writer and president of the Tocqueville Club, Valentí Puig, and the former French prime minister ​​Manuel Valls, among numerous lawyers, professionals and prominent figures in Catalan public life.