Participants in the European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) have visited the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering in Stockholm, stopping at its Library, which has a large collection of engineering books, some them incunabula. The Academy has a great recognition in the Swedish society, since it has 1300 academics and 230 collaborating companies. Among its projects is the development of smart cities, cybersecurity, forestry innovation and electric rails that will allow the catenary to be eliminated. During the visit, Christer Fuglesang, the first Swedish astronaut and collaborator of the Academy, has recounted his experience on the International Space Station. The president of the RAED, Alfredo Rocafort, has delivered a plaque commemorating the visit of the Spanish delegation.
- Vice-President of IVA Magnus Breidne
- Chriter Fuglesang
- Delivery of the commemorative plaque from the hands of Dr. Alfredo Rocafort