Admission speech of the Nobel Prize Jerome FriedmanJerome Friedman, Nobel prize in Physics for his empirical demonstration of the existence of quarks, wonders if the interior of these fermions, considered the smallest elementary particles that exist, doesn’t hide anything else. “The latest discoveries from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) confirm the actual existence of these particles, but are there more particles within the quarks? We don’t know. Probably what we have yet to discover in particle physics is more than we know”.

Friedman has launched this question during his admission as honorary academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), which was held in the framework of its III International Event, the European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research, which the RAED carries out these days in different Baltic cities. The Nobel has read the speech “Are we really made of quarks?”. The answer in the name of the Royal Academy has been in charge of the full academician and president of the Section of Health Sciences Maria Àngels Calvo.

Admission speech of the Nobel Prize Jerome Friedman