la Real Academia acoge el nacimiento de Knowurban.netThe Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) hosted on August 30 the constituent meeting of the entity, promoted by Santiago Castellà, full academician of the institution and director of the Chair Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City of the Rovira i Virgili University. aims to become a think tank for the generation of knowledge in the field of smart intelligent cities, urban development and the positioning of cities in a global world by encouraging the development of academic activities, debates and dissemination which serve as an impetus to the development of partnerships and local projects, both public and private.

Castellà was dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences and vice-rector of the University Rovira i Virgili. His work is recognized in the investigation of the international protection of ethnic, national, linguistic and religious minorities, as well as legal protection of the environment. At the head of Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City promotes the development of a new concept of cities at the service of citizens.