María José Esteban, professor at the ESADE Business School, full academician and member of the Governing Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), was appointed on February 19 as a senior research fellow of the Law School on the Legal Profession of the Harvard University. The academician was already part of this institution as an affiliate researcher.
The Law School on the Legal Profession has as its main objective to update and adapt the profession of lawyers, magistrates, prosecutors and all types of jurists to new legislation and ordinations and new practices and technological tools that break into the sector.

Dr. María José Esteban
“The revolution in information technology has reached the exercise of law, bringing with it new practices and actors that are likely to greatly disturb the traditional ways in which law is practiced, organized and regulated. The Law School is at the forefront of documenting and understanding these trends and is actively involved in determining how changes in regulatory structures, technology and market forces burst into the traditional model of professional services delivery”, assures the person in charge of the centre.
The academician of the RAED will be integrated precisely in this team of researchers. They must study new trends affecting the legal profession from a great diversity of angles, mainly technology, innovations in the management of human capital, changes in business models, use of the so-called big data and other forms of market analysis, the application of design thinking and other forms of innovative thinking.