Cecilia Kindelán, member of the Institute of International Cooperation of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), presented at the 4th International Act-European Congress of Interdisciplinary Research of the RAED, which was held last July in various capitals of the Mediterranean, the paper “Cambio climático: desinformación y silencio mediático” (Climate change: disinformation and media silence), where she reviews the transmission that global warming has had and its effects from its scientific verification to the present, with paradigmatic moments such as the premiere of the broad film report entitled “An inconvenient t”, which followed in 2006 the campaign of the former vicepresident of the United States Al Gore to raise public awareness of its effects, to the denial of the Trump Administration and its contempt for campaigns and international agreements to combat it.

“97% of scientific studies conclude that human activity is accelerating of climate change. That the Arctic is broken isn’t an unfounded alarm or a novelty, since between 1979 and 2012 a fifth of the ice in this area has been lost. The danger is real and the impact of what happens there affects the entire planet. However, this reality, ecosystems, physical characteristics and biodiversity that exist there are great unknown”, says the scholar.

Dra. Cecilia Kindelán en su ponencia en el IV acto internacional de la RAED

Dr Cecilia Kindelán

For Kindelán, today we are already very accustomed to power groups that deny the existence of climate change use the media to convey their ideas and make them reach society through their spokespersons, but the profile of these people who appear on television in most cases lacks scientific expertise. In the words of James Lawrence Powell, “the decades of the denial movement wouldn’t have been possible without the complicity of the media”. For that, Kindelán demands a critical attitude towards this normally interested discourse.

Cecilia Kindelán is a doctor in Communication from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria . Now, she is associate director of the MBA by IESE Business School. She has been deputy director of the Spanish Association of Managers, professor in university centers in Canada and Ecuador, general secretary of the Excellence Foundation, responsibilities that she has always combined with a great research insolence that has led her to participate in various international research projects and to participate in congresses and scientific meetings also international. She is the promoter of the renowned blog Warm Words, dedicated to climate change and communication.