Antonio Durán-Sindreu Buxadé, recognized tax expert and director of the Master in Taxation from the Barcelona School of Management at the University Pompeu Fabra, proposes a comprehensive reform of the Spanish tax system under the criteria of the financing of public services depending on income level allowing a reduction in income tax rates. Durán-Sindreu pointing the basis of this new model in his inaugural speech at the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) as full academician, “Reflections and alternatives out around a tax model”, that he read yesterday in Barcelona.

For the new academician, “our tax system doesn’t respond well to any coherent social project. The welfare state has failed. And it has done for its inability to convey that we can collectively achieve better quality services individually”. Given this widespread perception the reform imposed from the base. “There is a way that would allow us to maintain the redistributive purpose of the welfare state and, therefore, a tax system to halt the advance of indirect taxation and solve an important part of the redistributive deficits. This middle way is to reform the funding system public spending”.

For Durán-Sindreu in public prices lies a fairer idea of ​​the welfare state. “The income tax, as traditionally conceived but with lower rates, would finance the basic structure of the state, for its part, public prices depending on the level finance income or social care structure based on income recorded in the income tax”.