José Ramón Calvo, full academician and president of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), represented the institution at the meeting of directors held annually by the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and that this year has been held in the auditorium of the Diputación (regional government) of Alicante.

Under the motto “Oportunidades y Riesgos del Directivo en la Sociedad Digital” (Opportunities and Risks of the Manager in the Digital Society), the session focused on the analysis of the main axes of innovation, technology, connected companies and new clients in the world of business management, as well as the global economic situation, the ethics and the values ​​that should prevail in this era of change. The meeting was chaired by the likewise full academician of the RAED Isidro Fainé and had the participation as a member of its organizing committee the also academician Oriol Amat, the current president of the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management.

The meeting brought together the main actors of the Spanish economic news. From the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, to the current president of CaixaBank, Jordi Gual; the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, José Luis Bonet; the CEO of Bankinter, María Dolores Dancausa, or the president of Caja Rural Central saving bank, Manuel Ruiz, to top people in the commercial sector, such as Tomás Fuertes, president of El Pozo; Helena Herrero, president of Hewlett Packard Iberia, or Francisco Pérez Botello, president of Volkswagen Group España. In addition to other personalities such as Shlomo Ben Ami, vice president of the Toledo International Center for Peace, or Antonio Garrigues Walker, president of the Senate of the CEDE and Spanish former minister. The session was closed by King Felipe VI.

See the meeting program


Meetnig about Technology in business management