Libro de Joaquín Callabed: La Prevención de Accidentes InfantilesJoaquín Callabed, president of the Spanish Club of Social Paediatrics and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has donated to the Library of the Academy the book “Prevención de accidentes infantiles. Primeros auxilios” (Prevention of accidents to children. First aid) (Laertes), that he wrote with other renowned specialists in paediatrics such as María Jesús Comellas, Santiago García-Tornel, Jordi Pou and Jordi Sasot. The work is a complete guide directed to both parents and professionals in the sector on the most common accidents suffered by children, which already represent the first cause of infant death in all developed countries.

The book is based on the study of the child’s psychomotor development according to the ages together with the most common hazards that lie in wait for them, such as falls, burns, poisonings or drownings, treated with rigor and depth to offer families and caregivers a useful tool to prevent them or, failing that, react in the most appropriate way in the different environments where the accident occurs. The work also offers a practical first aid protocol in case of extreme urgency.

“The originality of the book is to get to the heart of parents or educators a message of prevention, of immediate application, as a routine within the usual care of the child”, is indicated in the introduction of the work. The book is complemented by a didactic program for the prevention of accidents at school, a study of the accidents of children with some type of dysfunction and a rigorous study of sexual abuse in the environments in which the child lives and relates.