Luis López: big data in the fight against inequalityLuis López, professor of Medicine at the University of Las Palmas and Canary Islands International Cooperation Award, proposes the application of big data in the fight against inequality to optimize its results.

For López, a renowned thoracic surgeon who has collaborated in various campaigns in Africa, the data currently handled by NGOs and international cooperation agencies “are neither complete nor reliable and are falsified by the economic growth of China and India, so much has to be established a new model of concrete and real information to set goals, set priorities and that all countries have basic levels of need covered”.

López has thus synthesized the analysis he made during the First Scientific Meeting of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) held in Fuerteventura between 8 and 11 June with the collaboration of the business school IESE and the University of Las Palmas. His reflections will be published in the next edition of the RAED magazine, “Tribuna Plural”.