Georgia Sarquella, head of the paediatric Arrhythmia and Sudden Death unit at the Saint John of God Hospital in Barcelona and the corresponding academician elected of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), was recognized with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award of the University of Barcelona for the thesis “Channellopathies in Paediatric Sudden Death.Clinical Implications of the genetic diagnostic in long QT Syndrome”, corresponding to the academic year 2015-2016 at the proposal of the Doctorate Commission of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Dra. Georgia Sarquella
Specializing in Paediatrics after completing her residency at the Terrassa Mutual University Hospital, Sarquella expanded her specialty in Paediatric Cardiology in Saint John of God. In addition, she completed a Master’s Degree in Paediatric Electrophysiology at the University of Alcalá de Henares and two post-graduates at the University of Valencia and the Menéndez Pelayo International University. An academic activity that has been combined with courses and stays in paediatric centres of reference in the United States and France.
Sarquella is founder of the Spanish Association of Patients of Arrhythmic Syndromes Related to Sudden Death and is a member of the Andrés Marcio Foundation, of the Catalan Society of Cardiology, of the Catalan Society of Paediatrics, of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease, of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics, of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, or of the European Society of Cardiology, among many other entities of reference in the fields of paediatrics and cardiology. As a teacher, he has directed four doctoral theses and four final theses and has participated in numerous scientific commissions.