Visit to the Sagrada Familia
Temple of the Sagrada Familia
Friday, 02 February 2024
15:00 h
“Geometric-constructive characteristics of Antoni Gaudi’s project”
Juan Trias de Bes, Dr. RAED Academic Architect
The Temple of the Sagrada Família offers a great diversity of fields of understanding (Historical, Theological, Artistic, Architectural, Mathematical, etc.). On this occasion, the visit will focus on the geometric-constructive characters, and their relationship with the breadth of aspects that surround the work of the Sagrada Família. Due to its specificity, this dimension of Gaudí’s project is not known in depth. The complexity of the parameterization solutions and their relationship with the difficulty of constructing a building of such dimensions require a careful look.
Image by Patrice Audet in Pixabay