Act of admission as Corresponding Academician: Dr. Francisco Marco Fernández

Dr. Francisco Marco Fernández
HE Mr. Dr. Francisco Marco Fernández, Doctor in Law, enters as Corresponding Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the speech entitled “Disociados (desdoblados). El futuro social de la humanidad” (Dissociated (split). The social future of humanity).
Speech in reply:: HE Mr. Dr. Fermín Morales Prats, Doctor of Law
Venue: Main Room of Catalan Labour National Works Promotion. Via Laietana, 32, first floor, Barcelona
Event date: Tuesday, 07 June 2022
Event time: 18:30 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Registration: Please confirm attendance at the RAED Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54