Dr. Rosalía Arteaga
Rosalía Arteaga, former president of Ecuador, president of the Foundation for the Integration and Development of Latin America (Fidal) and honorary academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), participated between the past 20 and 22 of August at the Global Education Forum held in Shanghai under the motto “Education for good”. It’s the second time that Arteaga participates in this renowned international forum.
The academician influenced the argument that marks her activism in favor of universal education, considering that only education can generate palpable changes in society. In this line, she pointed out that “the importance of teacher education, of their training, is fundamental, more than any other; that investment must be prioritized in the States, because we are convinced that the protagonists in the education system are teachers, and only through them can we move forward as a society and as human beings”.
The Global Education Forum has been held for six years and is considered one of the main educational events worldwide, as it brings together thousands of academicians, politicians, professors, NGO representatives linked to education and public and private institutions from different latitudes that have among their principles to contribute to educational improvement throughout the world.
Doctor in Jurisprudence and Anthropology, Arteaga adds to her dedication to politics her passion for education and a vast career as an essayist and poet who has been recognized internationally. The honorary academician of the RAED actively participates in multiple forums and courses on both shores of the Atlantic and is an international reference in the fields of education and sustainable development. She has participated in the main activities organized by the Royal Academy since she was named honorary academician in 2016.