Joan Renart Cava, born in Balaguer (Lleida) on October 22, 1936, is a business professor (School of Higher Mercantile Studies of Barcelona), graduated in Law (University of Barcelona) and auditor (Official Register of Auditors of Accounts).Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Vichy Catalán Limited Company.
He has been president of the Association for the Promotion of Technicians and Business Managers (1971), president of the Young Economic Chamber of Barcelona (1973), president of the Marketing Club of Barcelona (1982-1986), president-great lord of the Waters of the Gastronomic Guild of Water and Water Tasters (1995). He is an academic of the Basque Academy of Gastronomy (1999).
Throughout his life he has participated in a large number of associations and non-profit civic projects.
He has been awarded the Grand Prix Littéraire, the International Academy of Gastronomy (Paris, November 2, 2001), the President Francesc Macià Medal for the Generalitat of Catalonia (2003), << The Key of Barcelona >> (2004), the Medal of Gastronomic Merit of Catalonia (2005), the prize for Concord awarded by the FEHR Spanish Hospitality Federation (Madrid, 2009), the appointment << Ambassador of Honor of Catalan Cuisine >> (2010), the Commitment Award Euro-Toques, by the European Community of Cooks (2010).
As a consultant, he has promoted 47 companies. He has delivered more than 200 lectures. He has written more than a hundred articles on business issues. He has promoted the edition of more than 50 books on natural mineral water. He was founder of the Superior School of Marketing and Administration (ESMA), in which 39,733 students had graduated in 1995. He has written three books and a manual