Teresa Freixes, professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, founder and president of the Civic Concord platform and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), presented this April 25, in the Alibri bookshop in Barcelona her work “155. Los días que estremecieron a Cataluña” (155. The days that shook Catalonia), where she describes the path that led to the application in Catalonia of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, the intervention of its institutions government, the dissolution of the Catalan parliament and the convening and holding of new elections. All this, paradoxically, in a period of approximately 155 days.
The presentation was conducted by the also full academician and president of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the RAED José Ramón Calvo. The event also included the journalist Sergio Fidalgo, president of the Group of Journalists Pi i Margall, and Francesc Moreno, lawyer and president of the Editorial Board of the digital newspaper Crónica Global. The session has been organized by the Doña Tecla publishing house and the Free Centre of Art and Culture, and was open to the public.
Renouncing the story line, the book addresses the events between the “plenums of shame”, as defined by the author, that the Catalan Chamber held on September 6 and 7, 2017 trying to build a legal corpus in breach of Spanish law and Catalan and the constitutive session of the new chamber from the polls on December 21. Freixes denounces page after page what he considers “an imposition on the part of the minority headed by the separatist parties that responds to a prefabricated and perfectly orchestrated strategy”.
- Dra. Teresa Freixes
- Dr. José Ramón Calvo