The YouTube channel of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) already has the video summary of the academic session “La Educación en tecnología. La enseñanza de la ingeniería: un modelo en revisión en España” (Education in technology. Engineering education: a model under review in Spain), held in Barcelona on past June 5. With a format of debate, the act was framed in the cycle of activities promoted by the Section of Technological Sciences. It’s attended by the academicians Eugenio Oñate, professor of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports of the University Polytechnic of Catalonia and director of the International Centre of Numerical Methods in Engineering of Catalonia; Javier Gil Mur, rector of the International University of Catalonia and professor of Materials Engineering, and Lluís Vicent, former director of the Open Lasalle University of Andorra and doctor of Telecommunications Engineering. The academician Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, professor of Maritime Law of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, presented the event and the speakers and moderated the debate.

The session addressed aspects such as the history of technical education in Spain, the critical aspects of the future of engineering and the new thresholds of technical knowledge and the interconnection between university and business and the necessary connection between science and technology. After the individual interventions, the need to formulate a document with the main conclusions of the day was raised and addressed to the institutions involved: Administration, universities, professional associations and other organizations linked to technological studies.