Pedro Nueno, elected academician of the RAED, presents the work “Jubilado. ¿Y ahora qué? Emprender en la jubilación” (Retired. And now what? Undertake in retirement)
Pedro Nueno, head of the Bertrán Foundation Chair of Business Initiative of the IESE Business School, president of the China-Europe International Business School and elected academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has published the book “Jubilado. ¿Y ahora qué? Emprender en la jubilación” (Retired. And now what? Undertake in retirement), where he explains the productive possibilities of retirement given the increase in hope and quality of life. “Retirement is a golden age to face new challenges in which to continue applying the baggage of knowledge and experience accumulated throughout a lifetime of intense professional dedication. Thus, a stimulating horizon opens up before us as we can exercise as business angels or support the emergence of a start-up”, explains the author.
The work provides the keys and advice to establish a perfect business plan for after retirement. Far from converting the closure of a long career into a point and end, he guides the retiree to properly and realistically assess all the possibilities and options that are opened in the field of investment and entrepreneurship, thus making this stage an opportunity to pursue new achievements. Also, the book addresses the problem of maintaining the medium-term pension system in many countries such as Spain, where the active population and life expectancy walk in the opposite direction.

Dr. Pedro Nueno
Nueno articulates the concept of entrepreneurial pension plan. A system parallel to the uncertain evolution of the Spanish public pension system based on private investment. “One way to cover that uncertain future is to have stakes in companies that increase their value as time passes. The difficulty of the issue can be lessened with some teamwork by several investors, well-prepared business angels, who share the investment and complement their ideas, experiences and contacts, both to enrich the image of the project and to open doors for entrepreneurs”, says Nueno.
For the author, founder and president of Finaves, a venture capital company associated with the entrepreneurial activity who has promoted more than 40 companies with more than 3,000 direct jobs, this entrepreneurial pension plan must be outlined before retirement to define areas, travel companions, work models and all kinds of advisors. “I recommend diversifying investment issues although I’m aware that many experts recommend just the opposite: focus on one issue -he says-. Without a doubt, it’s more difficult to invest, advise and supervise a set of diversified investments, but a certain sector can be radically affected by a technological change and think that we are trying to set up a long-term project”.