Xabier Añoveros, full academician and vice president of the Governing Board of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), presented on 14 November, in the Equestrian Circle of Barcelona, the book “La noria del siglo XXI” (The wheel of the 21st century), a novel written by the same academician who follows the novelistic scheme used by Luis Romero in his work “La noria” (The wheel) (1951 Nadal prize) to capture the life of Barcelona in the 40s of the last century. A post-war society, with its joys, its problems and its miseries.
“La noria del siglo XXI” is a choral novel in which 32 characters from present-day Barcelona portray, how the city throbs, how it moves and how it thinks. A society totally different from the one of 60 years ago which Luis Romero portrayed. These 32 protagonists are linked to each other as the links of a chain, until the last link with the first, closing the circle of that urban ferris wheel, in which the environments, concerns and needs of its protagonists appear in their different social layers of modern-day Barcelona.
The presentation was given by the renowned writer and economist Fernando Trias de Bes, who made a complimentary and original exposition of the Añoveros’ novel. The act concluded with a few words with which the author explained the genesis of his novel and thanks to his illustrious presenter.