Three Nobel prizes have already confirmed their participation in the first Scientific Expedition that the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED) will carry out in September 2020 to the Galapagos Islands in collaboration with National Geographic. These are the honorary academicians of the RAED Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel prize in Chemistry in 2004; Barry Barish, Nobel prize in Physics in 2017, and Richard Schrock, Nobel prize in Chemistry in 2005. The honorary academician, former president of Ecuador and president of the Foundation for the Development of Latin America Rosalía Arteaga will also attend the event, as well as other Nobel prizes and relevant figures of international scope that have also been invited by the Academy to participate in this landmark event.

The expedition, in fact, will address an important issue on the international agenda such as the problem of climate change and its effects on the biodiversity. When this archipelago was the one that served as the basis for Charles Darwin to lay the foundations of his evolutionary theory, the RAED wanted to involve in its expedition prestigious figures in the matter in order to prepare an institutional declaration addressed to the main international organizations. Scientists, academicians and companions who make up the group will also be joined by artists and philosophers who will come from the Quo Artis Foundation, dedicated to science through art and who works closely with the Royal Academy.

The number of places is very limited by the restrictions on access to the Galapagos. There are currently 20 double and five individual cabins available and the deadline for registration and payment will be inexorably closed on May 30. There is an insurance for cancellation at all risk, available to participants through the Royal Automobile Club of Catalonia (RACC) and an interesting credit to pay for this unique trip between 12 and 60 months offered by Arquia Bank.

On the website specially made for this trip ( you can download the travel brochure and its general conditions, as well as the terms of the trip cancellation insurance offered by the RACC and send the seat reservation bulletin. The technical organization of the trip is the responsibility of Solocruceros, a specialized agency with which the Academy has already carried out the Baltic and Mediterranean cruises. The final price is 9,810 euros per person in a double room and 12,048 euros in single occupancy. With the special financing offered by Arquia, the trip can be paid from € 168 per month. Given that the places are strictly limited and there is no possibility of expanding them, the allocation of the same will take place by strict order of registration and payment of the deposit while there are available places.

Website of the expedition and inscriptions

Expedition program