Lluís Vicent, rector of the Open University La Salle in Andorra and corresponding academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), urges in an article published by the Diari d’Andorra to strengthen the figure of the trainer as a great guarantor of the coexistence and the respect to the neighbor and the laws in an increasingly diverse and atomized society. “If we are not aware of the impact that the different formators have on society, we will continue to have societies where everything will be possible, including the extremes we have just seen”, he said in connection with the recent Islamist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils.
Vicent exemplifies the path to national reconciliation that Colombia has taken, with the formation of a new society outside the violence created from the classrooms. “In life we will have to live with many people different from us, from different cultural levels, intellectuals or simply different cultures and customs. Knowing them is fundamental for personal success and society”, he concludes.