Reception of Extraordinary Ambassadors

Assembly hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building, Via Laietana, 32 principal, Barcelona

Thursday, 21 December 2023

19:15 h

Format: Face-to-face and streaming

Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54

Extraordinary Ambassador of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

In an increasingly interconnected and globalized world, the importance of academic diplomacy cannot be underestimated. Country ambassadors play a crucial role in fostering international relations and strengthening collaboration between nations. Likewise, in the academic field, our extraordinary ambassadors stand as representatives of intellectual excellence, the pursuit of knowledge and the promotion of fundamental academic values.

The figure of an Extraordinary Ambassador of the Royal European Academy of Doctors merges these two worlds uniquely. Like an ambassador for a country, this title carries significant responsibility. Our Extraordinary Ambassadors are not only professionals, academics, and experts in their fields, but they also act as a bridge between our institution and the outside world. They are ambassadors of innovative research, critical thinking and respect for knowledge.

Extraordinary Ambassadors Forum

  • Hon. Mr. Mustapha Achoubane – Senior Advisor to the President. Florida Polytechnic University
  • Hon. Mr. Ildefonso García Serena – Dean em. from the College of Marketing and Communication of Catalonia
  • Hon. Mrs. Carmen Fabeka Lebron Pereyra – Founder of the First University Specialized in Business and Economic Sciences and of the First Business School of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, Barna Business School
  • Hon. Mr. Dídac Lee. Entrepreneur and Technological Investor from Figueres, Divemaster and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Siglo 21 University
    Hon. Mrs. Salimata N’Dia. Entrepreneur, patron, Graduate in Law, Senior Business Management Program, MDE Business School and IESE Barcelona
  • Hon. Mrs. Liling Qi Zhou – President of Puentechina España Comercio
  • Hon. Mrs. Núria Vilanova Giralt – Founder and President of Atrevia Corporation, and President of the Alianza por Iberoamérica CEAPI Business Council
  • Ediciones Gráficas Rey – Graphic Communication Company


Fundación RAED
Real Academia Europea de Doctores RAED

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de catalunya

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