Presentation of the book “Vejez activa. Experiencia y saber al servicio de la sociedad” by Dr. Ignacio Buqueras
Place: Room B of the Foment del Treball building, Via Laietana, 32 main, Barcelona, Spain
Date: Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Hour: 18:30 h
Format: Face to face
Event cost: Free
Registration: Contact the Secretary of the RAED: or tel. 93 667 40 54
Description of the event
Dr. Ignacio Buqueras, president of the Association for the Dissemination and Promotion of Spanish Heritage and numerary member of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain and the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), publishes the new book “VEJEZ ACTIVA”, which has as its subtitle “Experiencia y saber al servicio de la sociedad”. Dr. Buqueras has promoted, coordinated and is co-author of the book with more than thirty personalities from various fields, who enrich it.
Among other people have collaborated on the book:
Carla y Eduard Estivill, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Antonio Garrigues Walker, Carlos Lamela, Rafael Anson, Leopoldo Abadía, José María Álvarez del Manzano, cardenal Carlos Amigo, Carmen de Alvear, José María Carrascal, Camilo José Cela Conde, Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, padre Ángel García, Gregorio Marañón, José María Martínez-Val, Teresa Mendizábal, Antonio Pont Amenós, Carmen Posadas, Pedro Ruiz, Ramón Tamames, Rafael Puyol, Laura Rojas-Marcos, Javier Benavente, Javier Urra, Carmen Quintanilla, Eduardo Rodriguez Rovira., Francisco Rico, José Luis Casero, Constanza Carmona, Gonzalo Berzosa,….
- Sr. Daniel Arasa. Presidente de la Plataforma per la Familia Cataluya-ONU.
- Sra. Victoria Camps. Catedrática emérita de Filosofía moral y política de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
- Sr. Josep Carné i Teixidó. Presidente de la Federació d’Associacions de Gent Gran de Catalunya-FATEC.
- Sr. Ignacio Buqueras y Bach. Académico de número de la RAED, Promotor, Coordinador y Coautor del libro.