Francisco Fonseca Morillo joins the RAED as a Numerary Member

Dr. Francisco Fonseca
His Excellency Dr. Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Doctor of Law, joins the Royal European Academy of Doctors as a Numerary Member, with his speech “El Estado de Derecho en la Unión Europea: de un valor político a su dimensión financiera” (The Rule of Law in the European Union: from a political value to its financial dimension).
Reply by: Excmo. Sr. Dr. Aldo Olcese, Doctor in Financial Economics
Sala de representación de la Comisión Europea en España (The representation of the European Commission in Spain), Paseo de la Castellana, 46, Madrid, 28046
Thursday, 03 October 2024
18:00 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54
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