Debate: “La mort, Comunicació, fisicoquímica i trascendència” (Death, Communication, Physicochemistry and Transcendence)

From left to right: Dr. August Corominas, Dr. Rosmarie Cammany, Dr. Maria Àngels Calvo and Dr. Francesc Xavier Altarriba
Venue: Meeting room of the RAED headquarters. Via Laietana, 32, 3st floor, Office 311. Catalan Labour National Works Promotion
Event date: Thursday, 31 March 2022
Event time: 18:30 h
Format: Face-to-face and streaming
Event cost: free
Registration: Please confirm attendance at the RAED Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54
- Dr. M. Àngels Calvo, Pharmacist and veterinarian, Professor of Microbiology and Full Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).
They intervene:
- Dr. Rosmarie Cammany. Supernumerary Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). La comunicación en el proceso terminal.
- Dr. August Corominas. Full Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). Bioquímica y biofísica de la muerte.
- Dr. Francesc Xavier Altarriba. Muerte y trascendencia.
Content and objectives of the session
DEATH is a very complicated process, not only the moment of EXITUS but also due to the mechanisms of the Microbiota that participate in Thanatochemistry. The action of the million bacteria and Thanatoentomology and thanatozoology is indescribable.
After twenty years of teaching collaboration with health professionals analyzing the taboo of death, we share an integrative view that begins with the dynamics established between the person and their environment when they face the terminal stage of life, physical-chemical processes that trigger the death of the person and the reflections that awaken the transcendence of the same from a point of view of phylogenesis in ontogenesis