En recuerdo de nuestros amigos y compañeros

Consolatio 2024

Foment del Treball Building, Via Laietana, 32 (main floor, Room B), Barcelona, 08003

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Funeral mass: 18:00 h. Academic Event: 18:30 h.

Format: Face-to-face

Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54


Funeral mass prior to the ceremony, in the Crypt of Santa Eulalia (Cathedral)

Prior to the academic event, a mass will be celebrated at 18:00 h in the Crypt of Santa Eulalia (Cathedral), in memory of the academics who have left us in the period of 2024. The mass will be presided over by the Doctors Hon. Mr. Dr. Josep-Ignasi Saranyana i Closa, Emeritus Member of the RAED, and Hon. Mr. Dr. Domènec Melé Carné, Numerary Member of the RAED.

We ask you to confirm your attendance at both the mass and the event, indicating the number of people who will attend.

Deceased academics


Fundación RAED
Real Academia Europea de Doctores RAED

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de catalunya

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