Conference: “El Salvator Mundi de Leonardo: original y copias” (Leonardo’s Salvator Mundi: original and copies)

Venue​: Room B of Catalan Labour National Works Promotion. Via Laietana, 32, main floor

Event date: Wednesday, 02 February 2022

Event time: 18:30 h a 20:00 h

Format: Face-to-face

Event cost: Free

Registration: Please confirm attendance at the RAED Secretariat. secretaria@raed.academytel. 93 667 40 54


Presentation: Dr. Jaume Armengou, Numerary Academician of the RAED.

Lecture by Martín García Cros, Painter and portraitist

Content and objectives of the session

This session continues the one held on 10.15.2019 under the title “Conference on the disappeared pictorial technique of the Venetian school”.

On August 21, 1911, La Gioconda was stolen on behalf of Eduardo Valfierno. The forger Yves Chaudron promoted the theft. It is said that he had been counterfeiting “Jocondas” for some time and needed theft in order to make a profit. They say that he made 6 copies, but it could have been 11 or 12. He executed the robbery Vincenzo Peruggia, who tried to sell the painting after two years. He was arrested.

During the session of Martín García Cros, a lecture will be given on the plausible story surrounding that robbery and, at the same time, it will be shown how the pictorial technique of Leonardo da Vinci can be emulated. An extraordinary Renaissance man who, in 2019, we commemorate the 500th anniversary of his transfer. The Salvator Mundi will be used as a practical case.

Martín García Cros (Barcelona, ​​1946) has exhibited and worked as a portraitist for the Augusta Galleries and the Grifé y Escoda Gallery until its closure. He currently exhibits and works for various galleries in Barcelona-Sala Joan Gaspar-, Girona and Madrid. He has exhibited in Paris (Unesco headquarters), Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas… he is invited every year to participate in the exhibition of the “Royal Society of Painters” in the United Kingdom.

Among other personalities portrayed by García Cros, the following stand out: Their Majesties the King and Queen (portrayed several times), the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta; King Emeritus Don Juan Carlos, Pasqual Maragall, Luis María Anson, “Sito” Pons, Romà Cuyás, Josep María Vilaseca, Javier Valls y Taberner, Salvador Gabarró, Suzanne Cianni, Fernando Casado… He has portrayed Queen Elizabeth II of England. His portraits preside over salons in various Ministries, Secretaries of State, Boards of Directors of Banks and Companies, Cultural Institutes, Mutual Societies, Newspapers, Schools, Rectorates and Deanships… He is director and professor of painting and life drawing at the School of Barcelona that bears his name. He also teaches classes and workshops at the Faculty of Humanities of the International University of Catalonia (UIC), of which he is also a member of the University Advisory Council


Fundación RAED
Real Academia Europea de Doctores RAED

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de catalunya

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