
Biology and culture in the queer and woke movements

Assembly hall of the Fomento del Trabajo building, Via Laietana, 32 principal, Barcelona

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

18:30 h

Format: Face-to-face

Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54



Debate on the intersection of biology and culture in the context of the Queer and Woke movements. In today’s era of diversity and inclusion, understanding the complexities of human identity has become a crucial issue for society as a whole. Both the Queer and Woke movements have challenged traditional conceptions of biology and culture, questioning established norms and advocating for acceptance and respect of diversity in all its forms.

On the one hand, biology has traditionally been considered a fixed basis for human identity and behavior. However, the Queer and Woke movements have challenged this notion, arguing that biology does not absolutely determine gender identity or sexual orientation, and that culture and environment play a crucial role in the formation of individual identity. Furthermore, the influence of culture on the perception and construction of identity has been the subject of intense debate in the field of psychology and social sciences.


  • Joaquím Gironella Coll. Numerary Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). Doctor of medicine and surgery


  • Silvia Carrasco Pons. Social Anthropologist, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Writer. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Neri Daurella de Nadal. Graduate in Clinical Psychology and Philosophy. Psychoanalyst
  • Jaume Llopis Casellas. Numerary Member and member of the RAED Governing Board. Doctor in Economic Sciences
  • Josep Ignasi Saranyana Closa. Emeritus Member of the RAED. Doctor in Theology and Philosophy


Fundación RAED
Real Academia Europea de Doctores RAED

In collaboration with:

Generalitat de catalunya

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