Agustín Moreno Ruz, regular contributor to the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has carried out the study “Un desarrollo pendiente de la contabilidad. El fondo de comercio interno” (A pending development of accounting, internal goodwill), published by the Revista Técnica Contable y Financiera in its latest number. In this work, the professor at the University of Barcelona and at the EAE business school stresses the need to legislate on accounting and other information that companies offer today, meeting the demands of markets and investors to that the current standards offer legal guarantees.
“For the benefit of business culture it’s appropriate to publish any tool designed to improve the management of the company, but at the point of recent times, it’s no longer enough to publish, but rather to legislate to continue with the successful example of the General Accounting Plan that ultimately homogenized and facilitated the composition of the information”, says the scholar.

Dr. Agustín Moreno Ruz
Moreno Ruz has a special impact on the so-called internal goodwill, an unaudited value that is beyond the control of the authorities. “The value of the internal goodwill now only surfaces legally when there is circumstantially a transaction of companies, purchase and sale of companies and by the amounts of the agreement reached between the parties, making them responsible for the quantitative certainty of the business without the endorsement of the auditor”, says the specialist.
Doctor in Economics, Accounting and Auditing from King Juan Carlos I University, Moreno Ruz advocates adapting accounting to market requirements and expanding his field of research, investigating the management of the company from every point of view “to observe the needs to be covered and the appropriate accounting response, either as accounting, rewritten with the accounting for management nickname or understood as analytical accounting. In the day-to-day business, accounting must be widely understood in its different presentations or reasons for study”.