Numerary Member

Social Sciences: Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences

Fecha de ingreso: 12 Nov 2020

Speech: Desde los presupuestos públicos hacia una nueva sociedad. El caso de Dinamarca y las aportaciones de Big Data

Reply: Dr. Jordi Martí Pidelaserra


He studied Economics and Business Administration at the University of Barcelona, ​​where he obtained a degree and later obtained a doctorate with a thesis entitled: “Some historical and doctrinal conceptions of Accounting”.

Professionally, she has worked in the Barcelona Provincial Council where she has performed her services as an advisory technician to the Local Economic Management Assistance Service. The Barcelona Provincial Council provides services to the city councils of the province of Barcelona, ​​all of them with diverse populations and unique financial needs. For all these municipalities, the technical training of the officials and employees of the Provincial Council is essential, and without a doubt the work of Mercedes Pifarré to provide all these personnel with the best assistance services is verifiable for their effectiveness and efficiency.

Dr. Pifarré has been one of the trainers of trainers in the field of local administrations. Her training and her pedagogical capacity have allowed her to gain the trust of secretaries and auditors, and of the personnel who work in the economic area of the municipalities, advising local entities on economic-financial matters. These assistance actions have been complemented with other consultancy actions, which has meant organizing teams that have earned a high reputation by carrying out financial diagnosis reports and sanitation plans of the municipalities that required it, to improve knowledge and planning. of municipal finances in order to achieve financial balance.

In addition to her professional activity in the Barcelona Provincial Council , Professor Pifarré has shown enormous generosity with society and has dedicated part of her time for 20 years to training students at the School of Business Sciences and the Faculty of Economics from the University of Barcelona. Many accounting professionals have received teachings in introductory accounting subjects, the most complicated for a teacher and the most sensitive for a student, from Professor Mercedes Pifarré.