Corresponending Academician
Social Sciences: Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences
Date of admittance: 14/02/2019
Admission Speech: La lógica difusa en la decisión de inversión empresarial frente al riesgo: veinte años entre la investigación pura y la aplicada
Richard Onses
(Pau, France, 1962), Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences “Cum Laude” by the University of Barcelona. After the HEC preparatory classes in Bayonne, France, she studied at the Higher School of Commerce, Administration and Finance of Bordeaux, KEDGE, with a Master in International Trade, and completed her research skills in Barcelona.
Professionally, he works as an expert in the area of privatizations internationally for 30 years, particularly in Argentina where he has participated in the largest water privatization in the world, California where he participates in the first
transfer of water rights in the world, Spain with a career in a leading water group, and France where it makes the first 4 Spanish offers in this market, also incorporating the advisory committee of a water hedge fund with
base in New York. He works as an expert for the UN (UNOPS), UNICEF and the World Bank.
He is the creator of the concept of “Expert of order two” for calculation of investment risk, as well as the “Impact PPP” in privatizations for developing countries.
In private he has been a candidate for deputy elections for France of the French abroad, President of the Parti Radical Valoisien for Spain, has been President of the French Circle of Barcelona created in 1884 and Treasurer of the French Beneficiencia Society created in 1845.
He is the father of three children who have studied Esade, IQS and Toulouse Business School and husband of Beatrice. He has a degree in Computer Science with which he was married 30 years ago.