Born in Camprodon. Degree in Biological Sciences and Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona (UB). He began his teaching and research career at the Department of Anatomy and Human Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine of the UB. Pre and Postdoctoral Training at the Rega Instituto de la Universidad Católica de Leuven. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery with an Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
Master’s in Academic Academic Policy. Professor of Anatomy and Human Embryology and Professor of Medicine and Nursing Degrees, Professor of the Masters of: Biomedicine, Advanced Medical Competencies and Pathology. Director of the research group on Oncology and Molecular Embryology.
To date, author of 125 publications, with a total of 4000 appointments and a H- index of 30. Author and Co-author of 11 books related to medical and translational oncology. He has presented a total of 175 research projects on cancer in congresses
International and National character. He has participated as a principal and collaborating researcher in a total of 31 subsidized projects of a competitive and private nature. Director of 16 doctoral theses, related to oncology topics. He has participated
As a guest speaker at 32 international and national conferences in relation to oncology.
It has recognized five sections (sixties) of investigation by the state agency ANEP.