Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Sciences, from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Doctorate in Chemical Sciences, from the University of Santiago de Compostela. (Doctoral thesis):
“Analytical chemical study of thermal and mineral-medicinal waters in the province of Ourense.”
Diploma in Primary Education Teaching, from the University School of Primary Education Teaching in Ourense, with a competitive examination completed.
Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, from Escuela Mayo in Barcelona.
Professor of Physics and Chemistry. Director and Deputy Director in various institutes.
Head of the Physics and Chemistry Department, from 1972 to 2004.
Delegate of FEMTEC in Spain.
Awards and Recognitions
Gold Medal at Termatalia, Ourense, 2017.
“Dr. Paul Couterier” Medal, awarded by the Sté. Française de Thermalisme et de Thalassothérapie pour la Santé Bucco-Dentaire, in Paris in 2015 and in Dax (France) in 1991.
Scholarship recipient (the only one from all of Spain) from the Ministry of Education and Science to attend EAU 96: État des Eaux dans le Bassin du Rhône. Étude Chimique, Biologique et Écologique, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Technical advisor to the Société Française de Thermalisme et de Thalassothérapie pour la Santé Bucco-Dentaire.
Member of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology.
Award from the Hon. Municipality of Carballiño and the Hon. Provincial Council of Ourense, 1992 (awarded 500,000 pesetas):
“Health Spas in the Province of Ourense.”
Award from the Regional Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administration, Pontevedra, 1988, awarded with a certificate and 10,000 pesetas.
Recognition from the Parents’ Association of the Carballiño Institute for her work as director (silver tray).
Award from the Office of Supplies and Transportation, Murcia, 1983.
Scholarship recipient to attend the Vichy Catalán Congress, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science, in 1981.