The work “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Epidemiology, Treatment and Prevention”, published by Nova Science Publishers in the “Neurodevelopmental Diseases – Laboratory and Clinical Research” series, is a leader in the study of ADHD, one of neuropsychiatric diseases that receive the most attention in the scientific literature. The book, published in August 2015, is coordinated by Francisco López Muñoz, full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), with the collaboration of Cecilio Álamo, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Alcalá.

The work includes articles by 31 authors from four counties pioneers in the study of ADHD in order to provide a multidisciplinary vision about the disease and the latest developments in their research from its etiology and diagnosis to psychological and pharmacological treatments.