Distribution of power between territories. Parliament of Catalonia case
Sala B del Edificio Fomento del Trabajo. Vía Layetana, 32, principal., Barcelona, 08003
Monday, 19 June 2023
18:30 h
By Dr. Joaquín Bautista-Valhondo, Doctor in Industrial Engineering and Numerary Member of the RAED
Format: Face-to-face
Registration: Contact the RAED Secretariat: or tel. 93 667 40 54
Session itinerary
The representation of the Catalan citizenry in the Parliament of Catalonia is analyzed, which is grouped into four constituencies that correspond to the four provinces of the Autonomous Community.
Based on the principle of “one person, one vote” or if preferred, “one representative for the same number of people”, a significant bias is observed between the current distribution of power between territories, derived from the application of the current law, and the distribution resulting from applying the principle of proportionality by quotas of power based on the number of inhabitants of each circumscription.
Various methods are applied (Hamilton, Adams, Dean, Hill, Webster, Jefferson and Belgian) recognized by the academic community for the distribution of seats in a House of Representatives and the results offered by these are compared with the current representation of the citizenry in the Parliament.