Catalina Ruiz Pérez, a professor at the University of La Laguna  and a regular collaborator with the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has been awarded the Canary Research Prize. Ruiz is Professor of Physics and performs his professional work in the Laboratory of X-rays and Molecular Materials of the Faculty of Sciences of this university of Tenerife.

His lines of research have been directed to nanotechnology, crystallography, diffraction, molecular materials, crystalline engineering, structural characterization, structure-property relationship and molecular magnetism. She has participated in more than twelve R&D projects in public calls, inside and outside Spain. He has also collaborated in more than 290 publications and scientific-technical documents. He has also participated in R&D contracts of special relevance with companies in numerous congresses, courses and seminars and has directed eleven doctoral theses.