Emeritus Member
Social Sciences: Dr. in Economics
Date of admittance: 16/03/2015
Admission Speech: La innovación y el tamaño de la empresa
He has worked as an executive in industrial and commercial companies and rendering auditing and consulting services to companies. He has published various research works and books, among which the following are some of the most important: Contabilidad analítica: costes, rendimientos, precios y resultados [Analytical Accounting: costs, yield, prices and results], Contabilidad de costes y de gestión [Cost and Management Accounting], and in collaboration, Modelo práctico de adaptación informática al grupo 9 del P.G.C.E [A practical model of IT adaptation for Group 9 of the General Chart of Accounts for Companies (PGCE)], Fiscalidad y contabilidad empresarial [Business Taxation and Accounting], Plan General de Contabilidad [The General Chart of Accounts], Costes de investigación y desarrollo [Research and Development Costs], Cuestiones actuales de contabilidad de costes [Current Cost Accounting Issues], Comentarios sobre el Nuevo Plan General de Contabilidad [Comments on the New General Chart of Accounts], Contabilidad de costos y estratégica de gestión [Cost Accounting and Management Strategy], carried out with Robert Kaplan, Silvia Meljen and Carlos Jiménez, Introducción a la contabilidad financiera [Introduction to Financial Accounting], Las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) [International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)], Guía de contabilidad y auditoría [Accounting and Auditing Guide] in 2012 and 2014 with Dr. Alfredo Rocafort and others, Contabilidad de dirección para la toma de decisiones: contabilidad de gestión y de costes [Management Accounting for Decision-Making: Management and Cost Accounting]. He was also appointed by a wide majority of votes as Chairman of the Executive Board of the Chamartin Tennis Club. In 2015, he read his speech when joining the Reial Academia de Doctors [Royal Academy of Doctors] as a permanent appointed member.