Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Holocaust

RAED headquarters meeting room - Via Laietana, 32 (Fomento del Trabajo Building), 3rd floor, Barcelona, 08003

Thursday, 20 March 2025

18:30 h

Format: Face-to-face

Inscription: Please confirm attendance at the Secretariat: secretaria@raed.academy or tel. 93 667 40 54

Under the direction of Dr. José Antonio Lejárcegui Fort, Full Member of the RAED, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery.

Event Summary:

During the Nazism, a relationship was established between antisemitism, racism, and sexism. The doctors affiliated with the regime, in accordance with the ideology of racial purity preservation, used abortions and sterilization as a means to follow the official directive of a genocidal program. In the field of gynecology, studies were sponsored by the regime for ideological or military reasons; others were driven by the scientific interest of some doctors.

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