Cambra de ComerçRafael Blesa, director of the Neurology Service of the Holy Cross and Saint Paul Hospital in Barcelona and full academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors-Barcelona 1914 (RAED), has joined the candidacy Anem per Feina 2018, which leads the Catalan businessman Ramon Masià, for the elections for the Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona. If this proposal is chosen, Blesa starts with the challenge of promoting relations between the Chamber, the scientific community and companies in the Catalan health sector to make Barcelona one of the world reference centres in medical research and one of the clusters of biomedicine in Europe.

Dr. Rafael Blesa

Dr. Rafael Blesa

The candidacy of Masià will fight in an electoral process that does not yet have specific dates, but that should be celebrated in the last quarter of this year, with at least two other candidatures: that of José María Torres, founder and president of the communications society Numintec, and that of Carles Tusquets, president of Mediolanum Bank. For many years Masià has been the right-hand man of Miquel Valls, who has been president of this institution since 2002 and whose relay has already accumulated a three-year delay.

Between the axes of the candidacy of Masià stand out the consolidation of a transversal business organization, the preservation of the good relations and a narrow collaboration with the other Spanish chambers of commerce and a decided bet by a transparent management by means of the implementation of a code of good practices.