Numerary Member
Social Sciences: Dr. in Law
Date of admittance: 16 january 2025
Admission Speech: “El dividendo social de las cajas de ahorro frente al dividendo bancario”
Reply: Excmo. Sr. D. José María Coronas Guinart, Lawyer and Economist
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Numerary Member
Social Sciences: Dr. in Law
Date of admittance: 16 january 2025
Admission Speech: “El dividendo social de las cajas de ahorro frente al dividendo bancario”
Reply: Excmo. Sr. D. José María Coronas Guinart, Lawyer and Economist
Born in Barcelona.
Law graduate from the University of Barcelona (UB). He passed the so-called degree examination of his law degree with the First Extraordinary Prize. Later, he earned his Ph.D. (1987) in Law with the highest distinction, Cum Laude, at the UB, under the guidance of his mentors, Dr. Antonio Polo and Dr. Rafael Jiménez de Parga. Simultaneously, while finishing his degree, he obtained an MBA from ESADE.
Linked to the Faculty of Law since 1968, he obtained, in 1991, the position of Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the same institution. He has also taught at CEU Abat Oliba, specializing in banking, and at ESADE’s Master in International Law, focusing on insolvency law. He has supervised several doctoral theses.
He combined his teaching career with practicing law, maintaining an open law office since 1970, and serving as Executive Director of the Legal Advisory Department of La Caixa until December 31, 2012. On January 15, 2013, he took office as Magistrate of the 1st Chamber of the Supreme Court, having been awarded the title of Magistrate of the Supreme Court in 2012.
A member of various associations, he has been a speaker since 1973 in the fields of banking law, insolvency law, and commercial law. He is the author of numerous articles and texts on contracts, insolvency law, and the Civil Procedure Act. He has provided expert reports and served as an arbitrator in financial, corporate, and insolvency matters.
He has been distinguished with the Cross of Honor of the Order of St. Raymond of Peñafort (2011) for his teaching and professional merits; the Medal of Merit in Legal Service (2016) by the CGAE; the Honorary Distinction of the University of Barcelona (2016); the ICAB Governing Board Medal; and on February 6, 2024, he will join as a Full Member of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia.
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