Supernumerary Member
Experimental Sciences: Dr. in Physics
Date of admittace: 04/02/2014
Admission Speech: Al hilo de la razón. Un ensayo sobre los foros de debate
Reply: Dra. Ana Maria Gil Lafuente
He studied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the Universities of Princeton (USA), Madrid and Essex (GB), with Bachelor’s degrees and Master of Science (M. Sc.).
In 1976 she was a doctor ‘summa cum laude’ (Dr. rer. Nat.) In experimental atomic physics by the Justus-Liebig-Universität (Giessen, RFA) and the doctorate work obtained the extraordinary prize of the University.
He combines a teaching activity in the same (Doctorate courses) with research in radioactive gases for the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (German state agency dedicated to scientific research).
His works are published in two of the most prestigious journals in the field of Physics: “Physical Review Letters” and “Annalen der Physik”.
Complete in the RFA his humanistic training with studies of International Macroeconomics (International Movement of Capitals) and Sociology (Systems Theory).
Upon his return to Spain (1977) he joined PETRONOR (Petróleos del Norte) as head of Operational Research.
A year later, as Head of Studies and Deputy to the Presidency, he directs and negotiates the entry of Petróleos Mexicanos into CAMPSA and PETRONOR.
In 1983, as Director of International Institutions, he joined the Foreign Bank of Spain, which he combined with his activity as a Professor at the UNED, directing a doctorate ‘cum laude’ on cosmological models, a subject hitherto unpublished in this University.
Design the financial model to obtain sub-LIBOR funding in USD through swaps in Asian currencies. The Foreign Bank implements the model with Japanese banks. It was successful and it was copied. During the 2nd quarter of 1986 he specialized in American banking invited by Banco J.P. Morgan, residing in NY Stays in the Foreign Bank until 1988, year in which he joins the new Financial Corporation Caja Madrid, with the mandate to design his founding strategy and occupying the position of General Director for the international development of the Caja Madrid Group .
In December 1992 he was elected active / correspondent member of the New York Academy of Sciences (founded in 1817).
In 1995, he obtained a three-year leave of absence as elected public office (Councilor of the Treasury at the Madrid City Council), rejoining Caja Madrid in 1998 to take charge of the International Financial Institutions.
Among other activities, it is worth highlighting the creation of financial companies in Washington, Miami, Costa Rica, London, Rabat and Beijing. He was part of the “Grupo de sabios” that was entrusted in 2006 with the restructuring of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, Washington DC).
In 2009 he left Caja Madrid with the professional level of General Subdirector of the Group to dedicate himself to consulting work in the infrastructure financing sector (ICIS Group), retiring in 2011.
Since then he chairs the Association for Reflection and Debate Enrique Tierno Galván and the Section of Economic Sciences of the Ateneo de Madrid.