Carlos Puig de Travy (Barcelona, 1958) is a doctor in economics, businessman, economist, auditor and business advisor. President of Audit and Consulting at Crowe Spain. Dean of the College of Economists of Catalonia.
Doctor from the Ramón Llull University with the distinction “Cum Laude” at the International Faculty of Commerce and Digital Economy of La Salle. Graduate in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Account auditor registered in the Official Registry of Account Auditors (ROAC). Accounting expert registered in the Registry of Accounting Experts of the General Council of Economists of Spain.
His professional career began in 1983 with his joining Touche Ross, one of the Big 8 Audit firms that later became part of Deloitte. In this company he took his first steps as an auditor, reaching management level within it. Later, in 1987 he assumed the position of General Controller in the second largest industrial group in the country. In this role, he was responsible for the entire Accounting Planning direction of the group and assistance to the CEO and the Presidency on Corporate Information issues. In 1990 he founded a local auditing company that has been developing and growing and is currently incorporated into the international Crowe network, the 8th Audit firm worldwide. Crowe has a wide network of professionals in Spain spread across 9 offices. For several years he has held the positions of president of the firm in Spain and CEO of the audit and consulting division.