Honorary Member

Social Sciences: Doctor in Economics

Date of admittance: 11 April 2024

Speech: “Capital humain et qualité des institutions: catalyseurs de l’accélération de la transformation structurelle en Afrique Subsaharienne”

Reply: Hon. Mr. Dr. Jaume Llopis Casellas, Doctor in Economics and Business Management

Dr AHOURE Alban Alphonse Emmanuel, is a Full Professor of Economics at Félix Houphouët Boigny University in Abidjan where he has been hired as Assistant just after his PhD from Kobe University, Japan, in 2006.

Dr Ahoure has significantly contributed to the economic discourse through extensive research and consultancy for state ministries, regional bodies, and international organizations like the World Bank, African Development Bank, and United Nations.

His publications reflect his diverse interests and contributions to the field of economics, particularly in labor economics, development economics and the economics of institutions. His studies have offered critical insights into the impacts of Covid-19, tax policy evaluation, human resources development, and strategies for structural transformation of the economies, economic competitiveness and state modernization.

Dr Ahoure’s academic contributions extend to teaching and developing courses on Institutional Economics, Advanced Microeconomics, and related subjects, demonstrating his commitment to education and mentorship. He has also actively engaged in training executives across public administration, the private sector, and civil society, further illustrating his wide-ranging influence.

His work has not only been recognized within academic circles but has also been acknowledged through various awards and honors, including a notable prize from the Graduate School of Economics at Kobe University for his doctoral thesis. Dr Ahoure’s multilingual capabilities, with fluency in French, English, and some capacities in Japanese, further highlight his versatility and ability to engage with a global audience.

His publications and leadership in coordinating impactful studies underscore his role as a pivotal figure in addressing economic challenges and fostering development within and beyond Côte d’Ivoire.