1. The General Meeting is the supreme governing body of the RAED and is to be attended by all numerary and emeritus members of the Academy.
2. The powers of the General Meeting are as follows:
- To approve the management of the Governing Board.
- To examine and approve the annual accounts.
- To admit numerary and honorary members.
- To carry out RAED appointments in accordance with the procedures established in these Statutes, insofar as they do not correspond to other bodies of the Academy. Terms of office shall be of five years, subject to re-election.
- To establish ordinary and extraordinary fees.
- To amend the Statutes, including changes of registered address.
- To acquire and dispose of property of the RAED.
- To dissolve the RAED.
- To exercise any power not attributable to another body of the RAED.
3. General Meetings may be ordinary or extraordinary. An Ordinary General Meeting shall be held annually in the first six months of the year concerned. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called whenever circumstances so merit, at the Chairman’s discretion, by agreement of the Governing Board or whenever at least 25% of numerary members request such a meeting.
4. The calling of General Meetings shall be announced by e-mail, with indication of the place, date and time of the meeting and a copy of the corresponding agenda of specific matters to be discussed.
At least ten days must elapse between the announcement of the meeting and the date on which it is to be held at first call. The same announcement may also indicatethe time and date of the meeting held at second call, which shall be no more than one hour after the meeting held at first call.
5. General Meetings, both ordinary and extraordinary, shall be considered quorate at first call if they are attended by at least a fifth of numerary members of the Academy. A meeting held at second call shall be quorate regardless of attendance, provided at least a tenth of numerary members are present.
Motions shall be adopted by a simple majority of members present, other than in cases specifically regulated by these Statutes or the Rules of Internal Procedure.