Emeritus Academician
Human Sciences: Dr. in Theology
Date of admittance: 28/05/1996
Medal: No. 79
Admission Speech: L’aventura del pensament teològic
Reply: Dr. David Jou Mirabent
In 1977 he promoted the creation of the Institut de Teologia de Tarragona, of which he was director. In the year 1996 he entered as a Full Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors. In 1999 he received the “Joan Maragall” award for the work L’Esperança que no mor. Presbyter of the archbishopric of Tarragona since 1951, councilor of Catholic Action, promoter of Justice and Peace in Tarragona, has developed his pastoral activity in several parishes of this diocese and is currently attached to the Sant Joan Baptista de El Catllar.
Between his publications, they emphasize: Signes of pertinença to l’Església, Tarragona, Arquebisbat de Tarragona, 1973; The benaurança of cel i l’ordre establert. Approximació a l’esctologia de la Benedictus Deus, Barcelona, Faculty of Theology- Herder, 1984; Els nostres morts no envelleixen. Escatologia cristiana, Barcelona, Faculty of Theology – Herder, 1984; God, man, world, Cali, University of San Buenaventura, 1987; Pentateuco and Narratives, Cali, University of San Buenaventura, 1987; Faith and Revelation, Cali, University of San Buenaventura, 1987; From the “nosa” to the “nostalgia” of Déu. Theological study on religion, Barcelona, Faculty of Theology- Herder, 1992; Evangeli i home d’avui, Barcelona, Claret, 1994; Christian Eschatology, Barcelona, Faculty of Theology, 1994; Cartes to Laura. Quan la mort plays de prop, Barcelona, Claret, 1995; Mariology, Barcelona, Faculty of Theology of Catalonia, 1995; Theological anthropology, Barcelona, Institut de Ciències Religioses, 1998; Jesús, Fill de Déu i germà dels homes, Barcelona, Publications of l’Abadia de Montserrat – Higher Institute of Religious Sciences “Sant Fructuós”, 1998; History of the Blessed Virgin Mary, volume IV, Datafilm, Pamplona, 1998; L’esperança que no mor, Barcelona, Cruïlla – Fundació Joan Maragall, 2001; At the beginning I made the dona. An assaig de recepció teològica del feminisme, Barcelona, Claret, 2002; i Història del pensament cristià (10 volums), Valls, Cossetània, 2009-2013.