Javier Cremades García

Numerary Member

Social Sciences: Doctor in Law

Date of admittance: 15 December 2022

Admission Speech: Sobre el Imperio de la Ley

Reply: Dr. Teresa Freixes Sanjuán

Dr. Javier Cremades is a lawyer, founder and president of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Abogados, a prestigious international firm with a presence in 15 cities in 8 countries. He has a PhD in Law from the University of Regensburg (Germany), a PhD in Law from UNED (Spain) and Doctor Honoris Causa from the International University of Valencia (Spain).

He has been highlighted by Forbes magazine as Lawyer of the Year in Spain (2015-2016), Jurist of the Year by the World Jurist Association (2017-2018) and Medal of Honor from the International Union of Lawyers (UIA) 2021. He received the Medal of of Honor of the Madrid Bar Association (2022) and the Medal of the Barcelona Bar Association (2022), the highest distinctions awarded by these corporations.

Since 2019 he is Global President of the World Jurist Association (WJA). Italy awarded him the distinction as Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia (2019), and the President of the Republic of Colombia granted him Colombian nationality by Nature Charter (2021).

Founder and Honorary President of the Málaga Valley e-27 Club, one of the great technological initiatives in Europe, in which more than 200 presidents of multinationals and industry leaders participate. He is general secretary of the Spanish Association of Minority Shareholders of Listed Companies (AEMEC) and president of the Spain-Korea Chamber of Commerce.

Author of numerous highly popular books, published by the most prestigious publishers, among them “Kidnapped energy: dismantling the myths of energy fundamentalism” (2013) and “Micropower. The strength of the citizen in the digital age” (2007), Member of the Editorial Board of important publications and regular contributor to various media (El País, ABC, El Mundo, Expansión, Diario 16, CNN, Antena 3 TV and Televisión Española ).

University professor, founder and director for more than 24 years of recognized Master’s programs in Law and Business of Telecommunications, Energy and Business Legal Advice Management.