Supernumerary Academician

Technological Sciences:  Doctor of Agronomic Engineering

Date of admittance: 28.10.2019

Admission Speech: “Días de campo”

Reply: Dr. Javier Gil Mur

EMILIO GIL MOYA, University Professor (accredited) of the Engineering Department Agrifood and Biotechnology of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Director of the Agricultural Mechanization Unit. He has been Director of International Master of Viticulture of the UPC. Professor of the doctoral program in agriculture and forest sciences of the University of Turin. He has been a professor at Cornell University (USA).

Program coordinator INNOSETA of the program European H2020. Adviser of the Ministry of Agriculture in the preparation of the Royal Decree of Use Sustainable Pesticide. Manual Author Inspections of application equipment. Member of the EIP-FOCUS GROUP Precision Agriculture (DG Rural Development). Member of ISO and CEN. Training coordinator in training programs of the European Union (DG SANTE). Expert advisor (TAIEX) for the Government of Serbia. Advisor to the Institute of Agrifood Research (INIA) From Chile. Member of the Bologna Club. Member of SPISE. ASABE member. Panelist of Technical News from FIMA (Zaragoza). Manuel Campos Wine Research Prize Lafuente (2002), award for the best doctoral thesis (accesit) Fertiberia (2004) and College award of Agricultural Engineers of Central and Canary Islands (2002). He has published more than 50 scientific articles in international journals and more than 200 technical and dissemination articles. Editor and expert reviewer of the most prestigious scientific journals of the sector and has given more than 60 invited conferences in many other countries. He has published several technical books He has been Director of the Office of
Government of Aragon in Brussels. Author of the novel Zarpazos en el alma (Ed. The Black Cat, 2017) and saxophonist of the Rivas Music Band. Author from the book Rivas Music Band, Celebration of a century and a quarter of musical adventures (2008), History of socialism and trade unionism in Rivas 2010) and Between Riguel and La Bardena (2011).

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