Honorary Member
Social Sciences: Dr. in Economics and Business
Date of admission: June 29, 2023
Entrance speech: La metamorfosis del dinero
Response speech: Dra. Montserrat Casanovas Ramon
ANTON GASOL MAGRIÑÀ (Cervià de les Garrigues).
PhD in Economics and Business (UB, 2006), and Diploma in European Communities. Consultant and economic-financial analyst, columnist and lecturer. Academic collaborator of IEF, Institute of Financial Studies. He has taught the European Financial Advisor Master (EFA) from the UB; Professor of Monetary and Financial Policy at the UAB, of the Financial System at the ISEA, of the Master’s Degree in Financial Management and Financial Markets at the UPF, coordinator of economics of the courses of the Universitat Catalana d’Estiu.
Specialist in financial system. He has been an economist at ”la Caixa” by competitive examination, with a long professional career (credit investment, personnel training, director of strategic planning and budgeting, director of control of management and studies of the e-laCaixa holding, director sectoral monitoring of risk, …).
Published books: International and European Financial Architecture (2012); The Pendol Law (2009); The Banking Industry in the Basel II Framework (2006) (Joan Sardà Dexeus Award); Such Com jo ho veig: Ciutadans i Economia, avui (2004). Co-author of the financial system of Catalonia independent, to “Economy of Catalonia, ask and answers about the economic impact of independence” (CEC i Profit, 2014); Collaborator of Volume IV Fundant a nou País from the collection “El Camí cap a la Independència” (Ara llibres, 2014).
Counselor of the Governing Board of the Col legi d’Economists; Trustee of the FiBS Foundation; Vice President of the Center for Economic Studies I Socials (CEES); Dean of the Col legi (2018-2020); President of the Staff Association of the Caixa” (2013-2018).