9.00 Official Inauguration of the Meeting.
09.15-10.00 Does science evolve by blind chance? Or by intelligence desing? Sheldom L. Glashow. Presenting Catalina Ruiz.
10.00-12.00 Economics, Politics and Companies: uncertainties, risks and opportunities. Hisham El Sherift; José María Gay; José Manuel Calavia, Nilo García Manchado, Lorenzo Gascón, Frederic Borràs. Moderating Claudia Arteaga
12.00-12.30 Coffe-break
12.30-13.00: The impact of genetically modified food to relieve hunger around the world. Richard Roberts. Presenting Lluis Serra.
13.00-13.30 International cooperation applied to specific and measurable objectives. Luis López. Presenting José Ramón Calvo.
13.30-14.30 Networking: Excellence corner.
14.30 Lunch time
16.30-18.30 What is Science for companies?: Fundamental science vs applied science. Sheldom L. Glashow, Richard Roberts, José María Baldasano, Sonia Fernández Vidal, Juan Ruiz Alzola, Jaume Armengou. Moderating Jordi Martí.
18.30-19.00 History of determination: the discovering of the structure of ribosomes. Ada Yonath. Presenting Cecilia Kindelán.
19.00-20.00 Technology and sustainable development. Juan Ruiz, Luis López, Catalina Ruiz, Lluis Serra, Josefa de la Rosa. Moderating Mª Àngels Calvo.
21.00 Dinner
09.00-11.00 New world political stage: Dangers and projections. Walter Lichem, Rosalía Arteaga, Inocencio Arias, Ernst Iten, Joaquín Almunia, Luis Alberto Lacalle. Moderating Claudia Arteaga.
11.00-11.30 Coffe-break
11.30-14.30 Solemn ceremony of admission for the Academic Numerary Dr. José R. Calvo. Answers Dr Jordi Martí.
Solemn act of induction as Honorary Members:
- Dra. Ada Yonath, presents Dr. José Luis Salido
- Dr. Sheldom L. Glashow, presents Dr. José María Gay
- Dr. Richard Roberts, presents Dr, José Manuel Calavia
- Dr. Luis Alberto Lacalle, presents Dr. Xabier Añoveros
14.30 Luch time
16.30-18.30 Public economy vs market economy. Ahmad Ranema, Jaime Llopis, Joaquim Vila, Miguel Ángel Gallo, Ginés de Rus, Francisco Javier Llovera. Moderating Juan Francisco Corona.
20.30 Closing of the meeting
21.00 Cocktail
21.30 Formal dinner